Water issues in the Great Artesian Basin (Water for the future)

Government website (Water for the Future) – http://www.environment.gov.au/water/locations/gab/index.html

Irrigators face water cuts while CSG pumps on

CENTRAL Downs irrigators remain frustrated by State Government policies that allow coal seam gas companies to extract millions of litres of water from underground sources while farmers face significant and uncompensated cutbacks to their own allocations from the same resource. Central Downs Irrigators chairman Johannes Roellgen, Tyunga, Pampas, said irrigators were committed to ensuring the […]

Gas drilling produces radioactive wastewater

Wastewater from natural gas drilling in New York State is radioactive, as high as 267 times the limit safe for discharge into the environment and thousands of times the limit safe for people to drink. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=marcellus-shale-natural-gas-drilling-radioactive-wastewater

Welcome to my primer on hydraulic fracing

Hydraulic Fraccing – or “How to Destroy the Earth’s Fresh Water Supplies Without Anyone Finding Out”
Please read this full story (with clear diagrams) on how hydraulic fraccing destroys the aquifers –


Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic Fracturing – Issues and Impacts Chemicals in Fracking Fluids.  Source: EPA.  Click here for a larger version. Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals – Coalbed fracture treatments use anywhere from 50,000 to 350,000 gallons of various stimulation and fracturing fluids, and from 75,000 to 320,000 pounds of proppant during the hydraulic fracturing of a single well.[6] Many fracturing […]

UNSW Connected Waters

Groundwater makes it possible to grow many of our crops and pastures.  And we’re looking increasingly to aquifers to provide drinking water for our growing towns and cities. Groundwater is found in the voids between sediment grains in the subsurface.  It can flow slowly like a river through aquifers or pool in great underground “lakes”.  […]

Concerns about Coal Seam Gas – ABC blog

 Concerns about Coal Seam Gas –  ABC Blog – Liz Hedge 30/8/2010  A group of concerned farmers and local MPs are still unpacking after they took a trip to Roma and Dalby in Queensland last week to examine the effects of coal seam gas mining in the region.  Exploration is currently underway to determine the feasibility […]